All kinds of great things happen when you are a part of After School Buddies. From learning about the virtures of perseverance and diligence to experiencing the joy of trying out new activities - Buddies 2011 are loving life together. Spring has included lessons on the Chinese language and culture presented by Big Buddy Hailey, learning to experience and share joy while trying out Zumba with Joy, sharing compassion while serving at the Bend Community Center, and bountiful blessings celebrating Saint Patrick's day with Irish dancing.
Students were inspired by Dr. Kittie to believe
in themselves and reach for their goals.
Even an all-Buddy swim party added to the fun of the season. Our girls continue to share great experiences each and every time they spend time together - learning to love each other and others as they have been loved by God. 
Want to be a Big Buddy? It's not too late! We would love to meet you and see if Buddies is for you! Email me at Hugs!
Want to be a Big Buddy? It's not too late! We would love to meet you and see if Buddies is for you! Email me at Hugs!