I have decided to start using this blog to post plans for the upcoming weeks of two of our Buddies programs. That way others that are considering becoming a part of ASB will see what we do and hopefully be inspired to jump on board to help touch the lives of younger girls in our community.
This week at
Buckingham, after homework time Lindsey and Katie will share activities centering around
respect. This is certainly a virtue that everyone needs to focus on even more than ever .. it's so easy to blast through life and not even realize how disrespectful we are behaving... to others and even to ourselves.
We read in the New Testament in 1st Peter to "show proper respect to everyone". Have you been treated with disrespect by others before? How does it make you feel? Do you think that you might be able to fine tune your interactions with others in your family, your school or your work to help show more respect? What does it mean to respect yourself? How do you think God views people that function with respect? These are all questions we should consider before meeting at Buckingham this week.
MIDDLE SCHOOLOur middle school group of new 6th grade Buddies and returning 7th and 8th graders will learn the importance of
encouraging others. As we continue to focus on
"You Go Girl!" we are reminded in the book of Thessalonians to "
encourage one another and build each other up". Isn't that the truth.. who doesn't need that in their day to day lives? John Maxwell, a well known author, said "
Encouragement is the oxygen of the soul". I like that - we most definately need oxygen to breathe.. and I can sure use a dose of encouragement daily.. how about you?
Middle schoolers will continue to build on their new relationships with the young woman in leadership by playing team games including Taboo and Guesstures. Be ready to be challenged and to encourage those on your team and in our group. Team captains Haley and Kate will be joined by our other leaders to help middle schoolers understand how much it means to God when they encourage each other and build each other up!