Y’All Come Now!!! Summer Buddies 2009 August 10-13
Who? Girls who have completed 4th-8th grades (“Little Buddies”)
High school girls serve as “Big Buddy” mentors
When? Afternoons - August 10-13
Where? 62595 Hamby Rd. Bend Or 97701 – Char’s home - "Paradise Falls!"
What Time? Mon–Wed 1:00-5:00 pm; Thu 1:00–9:00 pm (Campfire night!)
What? Crafts, games, water play, Bible study, possible field trip to local horse shelter, snacks, FUN!
How Much? Free!!!
Theme? You Are Loved!
During the school year, our ASB theme is to love others as God has loved us. This summer our Buddies theme lets all students know how much they are loved – by God and by others in their lives. Bible study is included as part of our time together – focusing on principles to help encourage, empower, and inspire our girls.
Call 541 385-5050 for further information.