Graduation is just around the corner for our senior Big Buddy Chelsea Z. And our juniors (there are MANY) are finishing up their ACT and SAT tests getting ready for college application season next year. Wow. 
Our year of HOPE and GO has lived up to my expectation in so many ways. Our teens and kids prepared gifts of love, encouragement, care and joy to various organizations throughout Central Oregon. Teens shared their passions, thoughts and prayers with Little Buddies all winter/spring long. From teamwork to trust, from faithfulness to friendship, and from compassion to courage our teens presented their thoughts and concerns about numerous virtues and values to our little ones.
HOPE and GO… Help Other People Eagerly by Giving of Ourselves… our 2009 theme. Lots of folks need help in so many ways.. from words of encouragement, to tutoring of math problems… from nutrition/food to clothing – it all helps to show that someone cares.. it all matters.
We each want to be #1 in someone’s life.. we all would love to have a “Big Buddy” to inspire us, to share with us, to build relationship with us. And believe it or not – we do have that very person in our Heavenly Father. I hope that somehow God has used us to inspire other adult leaders and Big Buddies to love those Little Buddies and each other the way He loves us! We DO have a BFF (teen talk for Best Friend Forever!!!)

Our year of HOPE and GO has lived up to my expectation in so many ways. Our teens and kids prepared gifts of love, encouragement, care and joy to various organizations throughout Central Oregon. Teens shared their passions, thoughts and prayers with Little Buddies all winter/spring long. From teamwork to trust, from faithfulness to friendship, and from compassion to courage our teens presented their thoughts and concerns about numerous virtues and values to our little ones.
HOPE and GO… Help Other People Eagerly by Giving of Ourselves… our 2009 theme. Lots of folks need help in so many ways.. from words of encouragement, to tutoring of math problems… from nutrition/food to clothing – it all helps to show that someone cares.. it all matters.
We each want to be #1 in someone’s life.. we all would love to have a “Big Buddy” to inspire us, to share with us, to build relationship with us. And believe it or not – we do have that very person in our Heavenly Father. I hope that somehow God has used us to inspire other adult leaders and Big Buddies to love those Little Buddies and each other the way He loves us! We DO have a BFF (teen talk for Best Friend Forever!!!)