Your eyes aren't tricking you.. yes.. those darlings in the snow are our newest members of ASB! Young men from Juniper Elementary School are now being mentored by wonderful teens from Bend, Marshall and Mt. View High Schools weekly. Week one found them in a serious snowball fight across the street - I am pretty sure that the Little Buddies one the first battle. But we have only just begun!!! (smile...)
We could use some more help from our teens as Big Buddies for our students so please contact us at
afterschoolbuddies@gmail.com if you are interested in helping make a difference in a child's life right here in Central Oregon!
We also have a great new program for girls from Juniper School too. Teen girls from both Bend, Summit and Marshall High Schools are helping our newest Little Buddies to improve their academic skills while learning to become the best that they can be.

I am not sure who is having more fun with this program.. the students or the leaders???