amazing student believers... serving God... youth... families...our community... and the world!
Participation in ASB helps young women and girls to
- Experience unconditional love and acceptance
- Learn to form healthy relationships with teens, with each other, and with adults
- Understand that they can make a difference in the happiness of others – both here in Bend and even around the world.
- Acquire and/or reinforce good study habits
- Learn to communicate with confidence and respect
- Develop coping skills to learn to deal with difficult situations
- Learn to value healthy lives – making good choices that affect mind, body and soul
- Understand the importance of personal gifts and talents
- Learn to live with an attitude of gratitude
- Learn to live as an everlasting encourager
- Empower them to become all that God wants them to be.
2007 Elementary School Mentoring Program
Starting: Tuesday January 16th
Where: Buckingham School Library
Time: 3:30-5:15
Who: Fourth & Fifth Grade Girls
What: Students – Studying, Sharing, Serving!
Pairing up local high school girls with elementary students, this once-a-week program includes after-school tutoring, exercise/playtime, snacks, and craft/art/drama projects. Community outreach is also emphasized to share our love for others.
Students are paired up in 1-to-1 ratio of teen mentor to elementary student under the direction of 2 adult facilitators. The program is funded by local churches and other charitable sources. Participation in ASB is free of charge however donations are always welcome to offset costs of snacks and supplies.
We accept a maximum of 12 elementary students so contact us right away at if you are interested in having your daughter participate in our program.
2007 Middle School Program - ASB/MS!
Our middle school program provides a fun and inspirational solution for the "early release Wednesday blues". Female students are paired up with female high school graduates and adult facilitators to encourage inter-generational support and communication. This three hour program includes a homework session, sharing & caring time, exercise/games and most importantly - cooking lessons - for a total mind, body & soul-stimulating afternoon retreat! Plus, students reap the rewards of blessing others as we share the food we prepare with less fortunate families!Cooking time at ASB/MS! includes discussions about proper food handling and nutrition. We provide food to the Ronald McDonald House, Bend’s Bethlehem Inn, Family Kitchen and to others in need. It is our hope that students will learn important life skills while having fun in groups and at the same time serving others!
The suggested donation for the middle school program is $20 per month but studnets are welcome regardless of ability to pay.

For further information, contact Charlene Schulz, Director of After School Buddies, at or call 541 385-5050.