It's been two years since I have updated this blog. With the advent of Facebook playing such a huge role in raising awareness about organizations as well as an easy medium to connect with our teen volunteers - I ended up neglected updating this blog for far too long. However, it's time to get on the bandwagon and learn to link the two together and do a better job of sharing my heart about ASB as well as the activities that are ongoing with our program.
As of November we have already started Buckingham Buddies and the Middle School groups. There are more participants than ever. It's been a terrific start to the new school year. Other programs begin in January.
Our theme this year is "Reach for the Stars". Our hope is that we will help each girl to discover the star qualities in her and how "loving others as she is loved" will help her to shine even more brightly!
If you have time in your life to help as a volunteer with our program and are a female in high school or older.. please contact us at We could certainly use more leaders in our Tue Wed or Thur programs!
After School Buddies
It's Almost Christmas! That means it's time to really start thinking of how you can can truly change the life of another young girl, teen or adult by volunteering with After School Buddies. We need ladies of all ages to come and assist us on Wednesday afternoons. Interested? Contact Char at 541 390-3046 or email her at
Leaders in Training - The Academy is Launched!
Last week the first of the new After School Buddies Leadership Academy workshops took place. It's a huge step for our program to actually host weekly, orchestrated sessions addressing key leadership principles that all can benefit from. My dream is that the graduates of these workshops will go on to be amazing, dedicated and committed leaders of ASB - empowering and inspiring our young students to be all that God has in store for them.
Six experienced Big Buddy teens and two adults joined me in the exploration of humility in leadership. From my point of view - it's maybe the #1 principle that all leaders must embrace. But as I look around.. it's not necessarily the one that most leaders actually embody.
We learned that to be an effective leader of others - first we have to lead ourselves. In order to do that well - we need to look inside to see where our own shortcomings are and do what we can to address them. Jesus spoke of this when he told his followers to take out the "log in their eyes before trying to take the speck out of their brother's eye". (my translation..)
Tomorrow we address compassion and then integrity in leaders. How will those traits influence how we lead our ASB programs in 2013? Time will tell!
The next series of workshops for NEW Big Buddies and adult leaders begin November 14th. If you are interested in participating.. please email Charlene at
Six experienced Big Buddy teens and two adults joined me in the exploration of humility in leadership. From my point of view - it's maybe the #1 principle that all leaders must embrace. But as I look around.. it's not necessarily the one that most leaders actually embody.
We learned that to be an effective leader of others - first we have to lead ourselves. In order to do that well - we need to look inside to see where our own shortcomings are and do what we can to address them. Jesus spoke of this when he told his followers to take out the "log in their eyes before trying to take the speck out of their brother's eye". (my translation..)
Tomorrow we address compassion and then integrity in leaders. How will those traits influence how we lead our ASB programs in 2013? Time will tell!
The next series of workshops for NEW Big Buddies and adult leaders begin November 14th. If you are interested in participating.. please email Charlene at
Go for the Gold 2012 ASB Camp Was Amazing!
Another great Buddies camp experience is the news for 2012. "Go for the Gold" - our Olympics themed camp - served close to 60 girls and adults in Bend August 13-16th. Our girls "competed" as teams this year with entries from Brazil, Israel, England and Kenya. The games were hosted by Camp Director Charlene Schulz and Assistant Director Lisa Merrick.
From the athletic competitions, to camp crafts, singing, dancing and yes - even "synchronized swim dancing!" - our teams had a wonderful week of fun, fellowship and frolic! Our devotional times included lessons on overcoming life's hurdles, discerning the difference between true joy and happiness, learning to trust and experiencing peace through forgiveness.
Our counselors said that 2012 was the best camp ever. Why? Excellent leadership, experience, lots of committed teens covered by lots of prayer and the presence of our Heavenly Father!
From the athletic competitions, to camp crafts, singing, dancing and yes - even "synchronized swim dancing!" - our teams had a wonderful week of fun, fellowship and frolic! Our devotional times included lessons on overcoming life's hurdles, discerning the difference between true joy and happiness, learning to trust and experiencing peace through forgiveness.
Our counselors said that 2012 was the best camp ever. Why? Excellent leadership, experience, lots of committed teens covered by lots of prayer and the presence of our Heavenly Father!
Valentines of Love from After School Buddies
The girls of After School Buddies have been busy this month. All over Bend, they have been preparing "love treats" for others. From preparing Valentines for St. Vincent de Paul patrons, to Hershey Kiss roses for the guests at the Bethlehem Inn to cake pops for Alzheimer patients at Claire Bridge, we have been blessing many around town. It's the time of year to share with others some of the love that we receive!
Practicing Kindness
Southside Buddies practiced kindness by making friendship bracelets for an orphanage in Rwanda, Africa. Many of us had to use last week's virtue, patience, while learning how to tie special patterns with the string. During our group discussion, one Little Buddy explained that kindness can also be shown in simple ways like smiling or giving a friendly hello. You girls rock!
Southside Buddies at Elk Meadow
Big Buddies, Claire and Jamie, taught the group about the virtue of patience. During our group discussion, Little Buddies and Big Buddies alike agreed that patience is an important virtue that allows us to interact with others respectfully and create a peaceful environment. Everyone put their patience to the test by doing an art project with very limited supplies and playing a fun variation of "Red Light, Green Light". 

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